Скачать HuntStand


TerraStride Inc.


29 November 2017
4.0 and up
13.08 M
HuntStand, the #1 free hunting app in the world, is the only hunting and land management app you will ever need. This revolutionary app is packed with invaluable mapping, weather, tracking, and social features.

HuntStand was carefully designed to work in both online and offline environments. Using this app, you will have access to offline weather and maps of your hunt areas. You can edit your maps while out "in the field" then sync them with your HuntStand account.

Use our Harvest, Sightings, and Task logging features to understand your property like never before.

Access free property owner information and parcel boundary information for most of the country.

Fully map your property using 67 easily discernible custom icons, shapes, and lines including scouting marks, stands, property boundaries, food plots, ponds, roads, trails, and numerous other important objects of interest. Attach notes to your map objects and sort them by time and type.

View distance and area measurements using our advanced measurement tools. Our app will give you extremely accurate map-based distances in feet, meters, and yards and area measurements in acres.

HuntStand's interface is simple, yet powerful, and puts many useful tools right at your fingertips.

Create an account and gain the ability to:

-Sync Hunting Area maps with HuntStand.com

-View and edit maps using ultra-advanced on-line mapping features

-Share maps with friends

-Create a personal profile

-Join group hunting areas (allowing you to share and edit maps with your hunting friends)

-View advanced statistics built from your personal harvest and sighting history

-Sync your maps with other devices (Computers, tablets, phones, including both Android and iOS)

HuntStand features our revolutionary patent pending HuntZone technology. The HuntZone scent tool shows wind speed, direction, distance, and time in the most streamlined and efficient way possible. You can "slide" through wind forecasts and view the effects on your desired hunting area. The HuntZone tracks where your scent will be both at a specific time and throughout your hunt, allowing you to plan accordingly.

Have access to highly detailed weather and solunar information including a current weather page, (with useful charts) a 72 hour forecast, and a 5 day outlook.

HuntStand, powered by TerraStride, will revolutionize the way people hunt and operate in the outdoors.

Google Play Rating

 11,368 total

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What's New
  • Added push notifications for Friend Requests!

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