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Latest Breaking News, Trending Videos, Funny GIFs, TV & Live Trivia Game ShowTopBuzz - a news app powered by artificial intelligence, delivers daily breaking news, local headlines, weather reports, world & local news, trending videos, articles and GIFs directly to you!

TopBuzz provides over 10,000 trusted news sources, including CNN, Mashable, Reuters, YouTube, USA Today, Bloomberg, Refinery29, etc to personalize your own daily news feed around your interests. All in one & totally FREE.

Funny videos and GIFs also will be delivered to you. See what the world is watching - from the popular music videos to what's trending in game, politics, sports, and more. Scroll through thousands of funny videos and GIFs you can share with your friends or on Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, Instagram, etc!


Viral Content in Just One News App
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Funny Videos & GIFs
* Want to laugh? Take a dive into our Funny feed laugh with thousands of users!
* Scroll through thousands of gifs you can send to your friends or on Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, Instagram, etc!
* Enjoy your videos without distractions – We'll darken the background to give you the best experience.
* Rotate and navigate through your videos even easier with TopBuzz's enhanced video player!

Personalized News App, Just for You
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* Local news, current events and headline world news, just for you! Get breaking news & latest news today.
* TopBuzz the only content hub that delivers a personalized latest news feed for free!

Sourced from the best viral content online!
* All content curated and sourced directly from the leading publishers in news, entertainment, food, home, business and more! We don't mess around when it comes to providing high-quality content from CNN, Mashable, Reuters, YouTube, USA Today, Bloomberg, Refinery29, etc. And Yes, they're all free!
* We partner with the best content providers (we won't say who, but you know who we're talking about).
* State-of-the-art artificial intelligence tool delivers only the best from our partners straight to you.
* What's trending around the world? We've updated our trends to capture what's local, what's big and what's happening around the world!

Life's too short, so spend your time doing things that matter to you. Let TopBuzz find you the best viral videos, breaking world & local news today, GIFs and more! Now go out and use your free time to explore the world!

Download TopBuzz now and see what's trending!

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